Monday, February 12, 2007

Decisions, decisions...

Starting to have second thoughts on the Planet X bike. Went by the shop today at lunch to take another look at it. Something about it just isn't clicking. I am not sure I want to spend that much on a bike I have hardly any information on, by a company I don't know anything about. It's a great deal but just not feeling it.

So I was playing around at lunch today on the internet, eating my Joey B with extra japs, from Moe's, and I came across the importer's website for Quattro Assi. Then I came across the closeout page... finally, framesets on closeout!!! This is what I have been looking for. I was about $300-400 out of my budget with the Planet X frame and it was really weighing on me. This is not exactly a need but wa want. I knew I shouldn't spend that much, especially on a bike I knew nothing about.

So now I have to get in touch with this guy and see what he in stock. If I am lucky, he will have it and I will just go ahead and order one. If not, the agonizing search will continue.

I should have taken up golf.